Friday, April 24, 2009

ill doesn't ALWAYS mean you're cool

So I'm feeling sick and restless. Not a REAL homebody, so staying home has proven time and time again to be a difficult task. With Rosa coming over though...and Fridays being the normal MARJ nights, I doubt things will go as planned. Totally not feelin' the club vibe this week for sure though. I bought a bunch of things that hopefully will kick up this weak immune system of mine.

1. Plenty of pill poppin'...Advil is my best friend today!
2. Plenty of Vitamin C infusin'...That's where my Grapefruit and Strawberries come to play!
3. Plenty of warm fluids drinkin'...Orange Pekoe and Honey! Yepp.
4. Plenty of soup sippin'...Cup O' Noodles is what's on the menu tonight.
5. Plenty of nose blowin'...Bought some soft kleenex to wipe that funk riiiiiiight.
6. Plenty of bed restin'...Brewing up the next post as we speak.

Battle of the Virus ROUND ONE! FIIIIIIIGHT.
Eeeeeasy does it kids! I hope to drop kick this mu'fugga down by sunrise tomorrow.

Stay tuned...

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