Wednesday, July 8, 2009

picture a difference

Universal diversities lead to social complexities
And instead of making friends, we choose to make enemies.
It's the struggle that brings a person to their knees.
Those people working hard to provide for their families.

Down the street, derogatory remarks are being exchanged.
In the alley, some hopeless soul is shooting venomous liquid into his veins
To get fuckin' high out of his brain.
By-standers look at this guy like he's insane.
BUT THE REALITY IS...he does it to stop the pain.
It's our own negligence to blame.

Real eyes, realize the demise of this man's cries.
He is the sole example of those souls trapped, needing to be consoled
The most tragic story ever told.
He is the HUNGER, the ANGER that we choose to ignore.
He is the SADNESS, the MADNESS in which we close our doors.
He is the RICH, the YOUNG, the OLD, the POOR.
The REVOLUTIONIST, the ACTIVIST all in one core.
Everything that we choose to blindfold our minds to see.
Everything that if we worked to eliminate would set our souls free.
Everything that we deny ourselves to be.

But take a look around you and see,
just how many third worlds are dying of poverty.

Starts with you and me.
Making dreams of UNITY, dreams of EQUALITY, into REALITY.

J. Lacsamana 07.08.09

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