Sunday, April 26, 2009


UGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! I can't contain it. I made a lot of posts on twitter about this one new found glory. Soooooooo dope. But I erased my twits because I didn't wanna blow up people's home pages. Decided to blog about him instead. Make it a bit more extensive, cuz talent like this deserves it! No excuses. Hands down...this guy is illy-genius! If you've heard of Nujabes and you love them then you're gonna love this dude. Samon Kawamura. The newest add to my selections. Enjoy!

And more to go with that...

Samon Kawamura - Timeless Space

Samon Kawamura - One and One
Samon Kawamura - Morioka Sunset
Samon Kawamura - Playground

Let your ears and mind do the work. He's been dubbed the "Madlib" of Japan. There is no doubt about that comparison. Enjoy people!

lazy sundays = good finds

Just went on a linking rampage on Twitter. Always on that music tip! Forreal. Check my twitter below or go to cuz I'm too lazy to repost the links here. Add me while you're at it. This post is gonna be a short one cuz I'm still going through some musical hunts and adventures. Status on the killer cold?! On my way to recovery! Thank you medication and a goodnight sleep....finally! Seatown Saturdays on May 2nd with some homies. Something to look forward to throughout the week.

Okay maybe I'll post one video up. Lazy sure feels niiiiiiiice.

Urban Thermo Dynamics. VIBE TO IT!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

battle of the viruses

So I failed miserably at getting better. Ended up going to Ebisu (Fancy Japanese Resto with lots of drinks and yummy food...for those who don't know!) last night and had some sake shots. Whoever said it was a good idea messed me up BIG time. (Thanks Christian and Rowe!)

Adlib and Bless-ed spinning at after hours tonight at Box Studios. I'm missing out on some good Old School Hip Hop and R&B tracks tonight. WOMP WOMP! Good thing is I get to catch up on the talent on the Apollo tonight.

I had a huge post coming up but some elements are still in the mixing lab and with my mind in the gutter from all this sneezing and wheezing? I think I'd rather let it pass until I'm 110% better. On another note, added TWO things to my remedy list!

BACTERIA BUCKLEY'S! You know that shit tastes awful but it works like a charm. AND meet NYQUIL! K.O.'in bitches till sunrise! Woop Woop! I can get a good night sleep. PLUS me being a homebody tonight. Now if this stuff doesn't place me in a better state by tomorrow I'll be out of options. Suggestions are welcomed! ;)


Saturday night beat treats for all the cool kids staying in. Enjoy! ;)

Friday, April 24, 2009

ill doesn't ALWAYS mean you're cool

So I'm feeling sick and restless. Not a REAL homebody, so staying home has proven time and time again to be a difficult task. With Rosa coming over though...and Fridays being the normal MARJ nights, I doubt things will go as planned. Totally not feelin' the club vibe this week for sure though. I bought a bunch of things that hopefully will kick up this weak immune system of mine.

1. Plenty of pill poppin'...Advil is my best friend today!
2. Plenty of Vitamin C infusin'...That's where my Grapefruit and Strawberries come to play!
3. Plenty of warm fluids drinkin'...Orange Pekoe and Honey! Yepp.
4. Plenty of soup sippin'...Cup O' Noodles is what's on the menu tonight.
5. Plenty of nose blowin'...Bought some soft kleenex to wipe that funk riiiiiiight.
6. Plenty of bed restin'...Brewing up the next post as we speak.

Battle of the Virus ROUND ONE! FIIIIIIIGHT.
Eeeeeasy does it kids! I hope to drop kick this mu'fugga down by sunrise tomorrow.

Stay tuned...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

'e' is for english

Dug through the old files...aka my old English binder from high school. Came across a piece that reminded me of how young, liberated kids generate such unique ideas when projects are handed to them. This is an excerpt from an English project we did in Grade 12. The main objective was to translate a part of William Shakespeare's Ophelia into modern day English. The rest speaks for itself. Translations have been emphasized in BOLD.

To be or not to be; that is the question:
Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And, by opposing, end them.
Living large or 86 it? That’s got me wack:
How to best represent my own self:
When da Man’s in my lunch,
Go medieval on the candy-ass sucka,
And pop a cap in him?

To die, to sleep -
No more and by a sleep to say we end
The heartache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to – ‘tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wished.
The big Chill –
No mo serious beatdown, no mo
Pretendas wantin’ to zero
Me out – that something sweet sweet
That you don’t be frontin’.

To, to sleep.
To sleep, perchance to dream. Ay there’s the rub,
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil.
Must give us pause.
Stone Cold.
After mama done picked out my casket.
Will I be spinnin’ in my pine basket
When I have deceased existin
Whoa, that’s jammin my flow.
There it is.

There’s the respect
That makes calamity of so long life,
For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
Th’ opressors wrong, the proud man’s contumely,
Why you gets no luv,
Who gonna flip burgers at McD’s and drive the
The scrub’s dissin, the slob man’s pissin
The shanks from ex-bitches, Five O draggin

The pangs of disprized love, the law’s delay,
The insolence of office and the spurns
Big Willy dissin you, an the snaps
From punk when you just want to be chillen

The patient merit of th’ unworthy takes,
When he himself might his quietus make
With a barebodkin? Who would these fardels bear,
To grunt and sweat a weary life,
When you can just off yourself
With a saucy shiv? Why should you keep it real,
When you bad-trippin with all this shit rippin,
But for some horror-the-horror pop up after death,

But that the dread of something after death,
The undiscovered country from whose bourn
No traveler returns, puzzles the will,
And makes us rather bear those ills we have
The undiscovered hood be a dead end
For all road dawgs, stump you ass,
So you chillin in your skanky hood
Not blazin off to some newjack hood?

Than fly to others that we know not of?
Thus conscience does make cowards of us all,
And thus the native hue of resolution
Is sicklied o’er with the pale cast of thought,
And enterprises of great pith and moment
With this regard their currents turn awry,
And lose the name of action.
Soft you, now,
The fair Ophelia – Nymph in thy orisions
Be all my sins remembered.
I ain’t keepin it real,
And so all my bling-bling
Done got all greasy,
And all my mad phat plans
Done turned out sleezy
And they just runnin on fumes.
Ya knawmeanz,
Fly Ophelia! – Boo, when you give a shout out
Gots to have all my bad recognized.

We recited the lines in crew necks, chains, and bucket hats! Haha. How we translated and where we got the words from is far beyond my memory. Needless to say my group and I ACED our project with flying colors! But that's probably because our teacher didn't understand anything we were saying...she just liked our swagger. Yepp.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

the canadian in me

Just got home from some PHO eats with Pops. It was a long and heart wrenching game but CANUCKS swept them BLUES off clean! Making it a 4-0 lead series. I haven't been this hockey-crazed since elementary! But daaaaaamn Burrows got my heart fluttering at 2980432819843 beats per second, and Luongo doing about 28 saves in one period?! Thank you Vancity! You made my night foreals. I hear the streets honking. Bring out the next muhhfuggaz who wanna get creamed!

On a side note...I've been on that KMD tip all day. I think I might have to make a playlist on the evolution of DOOM! Hahaha Keep ya posted on that!

Gonna try and stay in tomorrow. But I have a feeling I might flake out and end up at Tunnel as per usual. Will power please don't let me down? OH! Happy belated 420 y'all! Art Gallery was looking busy and the sun was shining. Smelled like that good ol' BC Budskeez. Po-Poskeez couldn't do jack about all the greens circulated. Hahaha good times!

Anyway gonna leave it off with a hilarious commercial homegirl found on YouTube. It reminded me of Tunnel, 1st Love promotions...$3 HighBalls and $4 HEINEKENS. Just watch these guys' facial expressions...gotta love it! Hahahaha!

Happy Tuesday night y'all!

Saturday, April 18, 2009


The name deejoyce derived from a nickname I got from a coworker, which eventually found itself to some of my friends. Another play on words...well abbreviations. We all know what DJ means right? Disc Jockey. There are other terms for it but I'd say that's the most used one. Then there's my love for music...but I haven't gotten to the point of being a DJ and am far from it. ANYWAY, DJ is associated to me as "drunken joyce." Not a proud name to live by...and no I'm not an alcoholic nor do I get rowdy or wild out when I am drunk...but it just stuck. Took it to the next level and plugged in the double ee's and my name. There ya have it! The histoire of my name. Fairly recent too.

On another smooth note...It is mothereffin' BEE-YOO-TEE-FUL in Vancity today! The sun is shining with a steady breezin'. Tonight's PHO night at the Tang Rezzie. Shoutouts to my BBG Rosa for her 24th Birthday today! She did that blowjob shot justice last night! It is also the debut of THECOOLESTGUYSEVERRR...Boombox Saints at The Wild Coyote tonight. Things should be hella interesting. Haven't shown face at that club in a while and am not sure what or who to expect to run into...but if I'm DJ then it should be all good.

Gonna hit up Downtown in a bit to drop the BFF off to St. Paul's cuz there's never any parking...then find her a dress for her 'prom'...that's right. She gradded from Nursing! Proud of you girrrrrrl! YAY!

I swear I'll have some interesting talks tomorrow. Thank you to those of you who tuned into my blog and enjoyed my music post. It was really fun making it. Time flies when you're having fun, right? Well happy Saturday folks! Keep it breezy! :)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

life lessons - throwback to 2006


Why are we so overly impressed by and obsessed with objects and achievements of immense scale, when it is actually the tiny little things that, when put together, make big things possible? Why do we try to create our own little worlds so we have the illusion of being completely in control of our entire existence, when we know with absolute certainty that we are not? Why do we go on and on about individuality being the very essence of who we are, and then accept a degrading level of conformity in virtually every facet of our lives? Why do we get so hung up on what we don't agree on, when in fact it's our differences that make life interesting? Why do we feel drawn together as a species, yet we steadily build up defensive barriers around our innermost feelings and beliefs so we can never be truly close to anyone?


Perhaps the confusion arises because life is not always what it seems to be. The only theme that resonates throughout the numerous popular life theories is love. Love, in all its fragile forms, is the one powerful, enduring force that brings real meaning to our everyday lives. Of course, I'm not talking about romantic, "kissy-kissy" love, although that is pretty powerful stuff in itself. [It's well documented that a broken heart feels far more painful than squeezing lemon juice over a deep paper cut.]

But the love I mean is the fire that burns inside us all, the inner warmth that prevents our soul from freezing in the winters of despair. It's the love of life itself. It's the voice that says "Celebrate life, be creative!" It brings with it the passion and understanding that some things in life are worth dying for, but there is so much more worth living for. It encourages us to greet each moment the same way we greet an old friend at the airport, to embrace opportunities to express ourselves in a way that makes us feel glad we exist. This love of life leads us to help others simply because it feels great to contribute to those around us.


You know what? EVen if you make big ass mistakes, if you're wrong about almost everything, you'll still enjoy an amazing fun-filled life adventure, you will go to sleep at night knowing you gave your all and made a difference, and wake up each day looking forward to a future that is as beautiful and exciting as you can imagine. If you listen to your heart and use your head, you'll never go wrong...

Wake up to REALISM and TRUTH. You can either love me, or leave me alone.

confessions of a mad woman

It's hard not to make assumptions in the world we live in. It's hard not knowing what feeling to feel. It's hard going through a cycle and not being able to prevent it from happening. Maybe I look at life in a broader spectrum, a means to get by and learn from things. After all that's what we're doing half of the time....learning.

What hurts can only make you stronger
is what they tell you when you're upset, sad, depressed, mad, and all of the negative adjectives you can think of. In some cases it does make you stronger, but what if you can't break the cycle? The hurt someone feels escalates, people assure you that that powerful quote is true and someday it will happen, only to find out it's just a way to prolong the person's demise.

Expect the unexpected.
Life is always full of surprises, good or bad. But to know that the "unexpected" has happened a million times before, and yet time and time again people allow themselves to be vulnerable to the consequences...crushes the value of this quote. (And it happens, trust me!) When they hold back from it all, others taunt and call it, "fear." It is not fear when a person knows their fateful outcome and does not want to take the chances. Yet others push and they shove, and they assure that everything is alright and when that fateful day appears, all they can say is...expect the unexpected.

Everything happens for a reason is a fake testimony to people's action. People make excuses, excuses, lies, excuses, false actions, excuses...and replace those judgments with the word "reason." It's like testing morality; what we should or should not do. I'm not saying mistakes can't be made, for often times, they do. I'm talking about the repetitive mistakes I'VE made...but I refuse to listen and excuses turn into lies, and lies turn into reasons...reasons of false hope.

To assume makes an ass out of u and me is an OVERstatement, that's right, an OVERstatement. When a person assumes, others over use this quote in order to override the situation this person is in. Others are so busy trying to make a person realize assumptions are wrong, and neglect the person's past history of events that they've been in...similar events. It is not because they want to assume, it is not because they are derived from negative thinking, it is not because of you or them or others or anything else. It is the image of what they see, think, feel and each time another person chooses to ignore that, it breaks what that person sees, thinks, feels into little pieces...leading them into even more isolation.....because of this assumption they fail to recognize a person's emotions, and focus on more of the terminology of the word.

Hopefully I'll realize, and other people will realize that there are more than these common quotes to live by. Hidden in a more deeper layer of a person's life, lies the truth to their actions, reasons, and thoughts.

P.S. - Oh God Beeej I miss you sooooooooooo much! :(

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

short but sweet

it only takes a few words to make a sentence so powerful and meaningful. i bring to you a quote from yours truly on this fine sunny day in vancouver.

it's the type of love that makes your heart smile and your soul cry. it's a universal type of love for everything and everyone.

no matter what your passion is or who it'll always generate around this feeling. in my eyes, this is what genuine love is. there ya go! two simple sentences with a preeminent connotation.

happy hump day of the week folks! :)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

political retrospect

I wrote this poem a couple months after my friend passed away. I've been on a writer's block since then. Until I find my inspiration...Enjoy!

October 19, 2007

The subliminal aspiration for world unification is just imagination, a magical organization. And everyone's attention is drawn to mass destruction, TO WAR to racial abomination, TO WAR and deadly arbitrations. So where's the emancipation in this country that we call liberation. Is it right to kill a population who's trying to build a nation? Yet we hang our heads up high with pride and gratification when it's our very own pretension that causes our lack of contribution to a place of resolution, a heavenly disposition. It's the destitution of communication that leads to confusion and discrimination, then thoughts of infuriation, the final blow is an assassination...another of God's creations lost to an unfortunate situation, another victim for examination. It's a tragic ideation that our lives are up for instinction because of our separation of appreciation to other cultures and traditions. So tell me, is it worth all the contemplation? To draw to the same conclusion of the same underlying question...

Where's the vision in division?

Realization. The end of a war we call "The System."


Monday, April 13, 2009

allow me to REINTRODUCE myself...

My name is J...O to tha Y-C...E?! Ahhh yes, I finally jumped on the blogspot wagon. I dedicated many years to the Xanga world but when people started disappearing and moving on to bigger and better things like Blogspot I thought..."Fuckit" what's another site gonna do to this world of mine. So let me introduce who I am and what I am all about...

You can find my QUINTESSENTIALS for living to your right-hand side...or to your left if your back is facing the computer, but I doubt that.

The reason for this blog you ask?! I've noticed a lot of you guys have motives going on and themes to what your blog represents. So what does mine? Nothing really. Stuff going through my head that I felt like writing I guess...oh wait, I mean...blogging. I am also contributing to another blog... where you'll find yourself tuning into those laid back memories of when you used to kick it on the bed with your eyes closed singing along to them old school slow jams. Check it!

What's with the name?! Verbal (adj.): consisting of or expressed in words, concerned with words only. Calesthenics (noun): the art, practice, or a session of such exercises. It's a play on definitions, and it represents the art of exercising expressions in words. Because this is my own personal blog I feel that the unification of these two definitions most appropriately fit in to what I'm bringing to the table. A mere exercise of what I'm trying to express through good old technology (aka PC blogging yo!) rather than just social interaction.

YES, I am very into my music. Anything from R&B, Hip Hop, Jazz, Motown, Indie...currently trying to get my groove on to House and Electro but I haven't gotten myself there quite yet. So should you be expecting some music posts up?! MOST DEF! And I promise to keep it as fresh as possible. ;)

I am ALSO very into writing. I recently went through a writer's block with one of my close friend's passing away but I hope to get inspired and motivated again to do what I love best. Hopefully starting this blog will channel me to the right direction and you'll see samples of what I am capable of. I will be digging through my old school blogging days though and I'll post some old stuff up to.

So let the games begin. Now you know me! More blogs to come! ZEE YAH!